Many people in the Teach First community will be significantly affected by the most recent conflict in Israel and Palestine.  Members of our community may be worried about increasing violence in public, and indeed in their workplaces and schools too. Antisemitic and islamophobic incidents may increase, and we want to share the following sources for support if this happens.

What is islamophobia?

Islamophobia is a prejudice, aversion, hostility, or hatred towards Muslims. It encompasses any distinction, exclusion, restriction, discrimination, or preference against Muslims that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

Islamophobia results in discrimination, marginalisation, and oppression. It creates a distorted understanding of Islam and Muslims and transforms diversity in name, language, culture, ethnicity, and race into a set of stereotyped characteristics. As such, Islamophobia is a system of both religious and racial animosity.

What is antisemitism?

Antisemitism can be defined as discrimination, prejudice, or hostility, against Jews or Jewish institutions. It consists of anti-Jewish beliefs, attitudes, actions, or systemic conditions. It includes negative beliefs and feelings about Jews, hostile behaviour directed against Jews and conditions that discriminate against Jews or impede their ability to participate as equals in political, religious, cultural, economic, or social life.

If you need any support related to the above, please visit the following pages: I need support 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened